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A smaller ministry the church has is collecting food in the little wagon each week to be given to Shively Ministries for those in need of groceries and other necessary items. At present is a need for winter hats, gloves, scarves and coats, new or slightly used, with no stains or damage.
Here's more! Our Kevin Kouba has written a fine article published in the November 8, 2022 issue of the Mid-Kentucky Calling Presbytery Newsletter about our church outreach efforts we call The Welcome Table. Take a minute to read it.

by Kevin Kouba, guest columnist
It has been many years since anyone saw a traffic jam at Briargate Presbyterian. OK, there may never have been so many cars with their blinkers on parked on Upper Hunters Trace. But it happens frequently now.
I’ll admit, it’s not people clamoring to attend worship services with us. Oh, our Sunday programming is fine. This crowd is on Tuesday every week, and is evidence of us trying to meet people’s needs without them ever leaving their cars. It is answering Christ’s imperative to “give them something to eat.” It’s now the focus of our ministry. Briargate is taking the challenge of Matthew 25 seriously. We started “The Welcome Table” ministry 3 ½ years ago and had 15 the first night. Growth was exponential.
When I went to interview for the Director of Music at Briargate over 20 years ago, no one dreamed that part of my job might eventually become running a kitchen that serves almost 400 people every week. But church work in general is a constant battle to remain relevant to the society, be it in the small or larger arenas. I see us having to fight harder. Our ministries should be amalgams of the many functions that fit the focus of our congregations.
I’m thankful for all the partners we have. Some of your congregations have already offered financial and physical help. We’ve welcomed volunteers from other area groups, people that see the need and are thankful to have a place to work. We’re thankful for all the help we’ve received from some of you, time, talent and treasure. We still could use some help. Each week costs about $400, and we need more volunteers. (My info is and 502-599-7790)
Food insecurity is real, and that’s why I’m so proud of this “little congregation that could.”
Maybe we need a traffic light?
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